Tuesday, August 14, 2007


The Bright Side?

This article put me into a bad mood. Maybe I'll be in that happy place someday, that reflective, 'look at what good cancer brought into my life' place. Some days I can actually admit to a few good things. But as I sit here, with my swollen arm, wondering how on earth we're going to afford a gestational surrogate and contemplating a visit with my Onc tomorrow...I'm just not there. I'm having a dark moment of the soul, feeling kinda pissed off and bitter. (The huge double chocolate brownie I just ate has thankfully improved my mood a bit...)

Maybe the happy thoughts expressed in the article are for cancer survivors who are older?

(An aside, I actually sat next to the author of this article on a plane a few years ago. She would not stop talking about herself and it made for a very draining hour.)

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